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Tree of Life Pendant

Tree of Life Pendant

Flower of Love Orgonite Pendant

Flower of Love Pendant

Neutralise harmful Smart Meter radiation dangers with this powerful Orgonite Smart Meter Shield!

Attaches to your Smart Meter and converts harmful energy (DOR) to life enhancing Orgone energy (POR) without diminishing data transmission.

Orgonite matrix with Quartz, Shungite, Black Tourmaline and Red Jaspis. Self adhesive tape at the back.


  • Buy 5 for €36.37 each and save 5%
  • Buy 10 for €34.46 each and save 10%
  • Buy 30 for €32.54 each and save 15%
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You're reviewing:Smart Meter Shield
Customer Reviews

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  1. Possible Improvement
    Thank you very much for the shield.

    I was unable to install it ON the dumb meter itself, so put it right next to it on the electrical box, as suggested.

    I wish I could say unequivocally that the shield has brought improved sleep, but it could be other things, as well.

    The pre- full moon causes sleep issues and I still have the odd night where sleep is fleeting, restless or delayed. I also frequently wake up at 4 a.m.

    I take supplements now that are known to aid sleep so all in all, my sleep has improved but did somewhat a little before I installed the shield.

    I have a lot more good nights now than I did, so perhaps the shield has assisted.

    Thanks again.


    Posted on

  2. Beneficial Orgonite
    I use muscle testing (kinesiology) to test people for the effectiveness of various natural products and energy blockages, with some clients I found a problem when testing and noted it was when automatic washing machine was working. I placed the Shield on top of the washing machine problem solved no more negative radiation from washing machine. I have Orgonite near TV, Office, Electric Fuse Box all of which I find beneficial also use on my cell phone.
    Would not be without my Orgonite Zapper. Thanks Georg for making this wonderful energy available.


    Posted on

  3. Smart Meter Shield
    I have found this orgonite device to be helpful - I do applied kinesiology to test things, and the negative radiation coming off of the smart meter is greatly reduced with the orgonite piece on it.


    Posted on

  4. Relaxation
    I have 30 pieces roughly in, and around my house of orgonite and when I received the smart meter shield I put it directly on the front by the digital changing numbers.! I noticed an immediate release and spaciousness of energy.! I then felt an even deeper since of relaxation in and around myself and home.! FYI I'm already one of the most relaxed people I know so for me to notice another shift was legendary.! My smart meter already has two orgonite pieces and and earth stick down below so this product works.!.


    Posted on

  5. hopeful
    thank you so much for the smart meter shield. I installed it and sent you a pic. Can't give any definite results as yet - think it needs more time for me to be able to identify changes, but will keep you updated. however I love orgonite and use a lot of it so believe this will definitely be beneficial for the family. Thanks again.


    Posted on

  6. positive effect
    Dear Georg,
    After installing the smart meter shield, the change was noticeable within few days. Not drastic change but the atmosphere at home was better. Mood was on the up side and noticed more wild life (bird, squirrel etc...) around specially rabbits. I did a test with a gaussmeter and before I was in the orange to red and after I am in middle yellow -green. I had my house tested and it look like I have my neighborhood high Tech as we found a lot of EMF disturbance around. If I had to rely on the smart meter shield alone, I would say that it will not be enough. I have more orgonite from you around and all together it has made my life more in tune than before. I will recommend the use of the smart meter shield in an small apartment building.
    Thank you


    Posted on

  7. peaceful at home
    It's been only few weeks, but home feels like more peaceful place, child has less anger outbursts, sleep is better. I'll keep observing the effect.
    Oh! And the morning glories at around smart meter grow much faster than at another flower bed!


    Posted on

  8. Great
    Since installing our shield, have slept better and do not have arthritis pain as much, I am sure its helping.


    Posted on

  9. great tool to outsmart hurtful meters
    Being a orgonite believer and concerned about smart meter installed on my home, I was happy to have a solution. So far I have been able to sleep better and my dreams are more vivid with increased ability to recall them. I am also able to be more focused as I work in my office that is near the smart meter. Thank you Georg for all you do.


    Posted on

  10. Sleeping better - Smart Energy Blocked!
    Hi Georg
    I managed not to get a smart meter installed, but being sandwiched between two houses with a smart meter each was a problem. The main smart meter involved faced my bedroom and I have placed the SM Shield between my room and this house. Results to date sleeping better, less restlessness at night even managing to sleep longer and wake up later - which sometimes is not a good thing! I can recommend this shield


    Posted on

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