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Review Details

Orgonite Powerwand

Product Review (submitted on June 23, 2017):

Few days ago I have received my PowerWand Deluxe, as well as my mini PW 35mm. I fired the PW Deluxe up and it's on 24/7. I am a Reiki Master and PhD doing mostly distance healing. I can't say much as of now and I will give a more detailed review after few months. I want to use it for for radionics works and manifestation of intentions. But of course as a protecting device for myself and my family, because recently we got attacks from some bad people which are jealous to us by harassing all of us. I wrote an affirmation/intention and packed it inside the red PW protection.

The mini PowerWand 35mm, I want to bring with me on my trips to other places. Can somebody tell me if there is a problem, if I cary the device in my hand luggage when at the Airport they X-Ray the bag? I am afraid, that maybe they will take it away because they do not know what it is. I lost once a ZERO POINT ENERGY NANO WAND and that device looks much harmless than the PW 35mm.

By the way, I bough many other products to like Zappers etc.

I like all the products of Orgonise Africa, the are real quality products and George and Kate are nice people and very accommodating.