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South Africa

After 2016 had been marked by several long distance trips especially the one to Russia, we felt that South Africa needed our attention again. 

2016 had been marked by a lasting drought in the Eastern and central parts of South Africa, expecially the Free State. 

So, Orgonite had to be dispensed again in lavish quantities i order to reclaim the blue skies and happy rainfalls we have so gotten used to. 

recently gifted orgonite in SA

A trail of orgonite from Johannesburg down to Port Elizabeth, meandering the back roads from small town to small town

Orgonite gifted in South Africa up to 2017

The state of affairs as of August 2017: all blue dots are orgonite gifts, the red flags (often drowned in bue dots, so thare are more than you see) are Cloud Busters

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